Welcome - 21 Days of Prayer & Fasting

Daily Devotionals from the book of James
Good evening everyone! In a few hours we’ll be gathering together for the first Sunday of 2025. We’ll praise God for his blessings, receive communion together, pray for one another and hear the first message in a sermon series on prayer that is inspired from the book of James. I hope you can join us!
I also invite you to join us as we begin our annual twenty-one days of prayer and fasting. Each January we seek God’s face in this communal way. Each one of us seeks God for direction in our lives but also asks God to direct and provide for our church.
Join us each day as we explore the book of James. We will unpack a portion of scripture, apply it to our lives and then ask God to shape us through what we have learned. My expectation is for God to do a work in our lives as we seek his face and surrender to his word.
Each day, you will receive a notification in the church app containing the link to the day's devotional. You can also access the daily devotional by viewing the blog on our website or the church app. If you have not downloaded the church app, you can do so by clicking the link below.
Happy New Year!
Pastor Melvin
I also invite you to join us as we begin our annual twenty-one days of prayer and fasting. Each January we seek God’s face in this communal way. Each one of us seeks God for direction in our lives but also asks God to direct and provide for our church.
Join us each day as we explore the book of James. We will unpack a portion of scripture, apply it to our lives and then ask God to shape us through what we have learned. My expectation is for God to do a work in our lives as we seek his face and surrender to his word.
Each day, you will receive a notification in the church app containing the link to the day's devotional. You can also access the daily devotional by viewing the blog on our website or the church app. If you have not downloaded the church app, you can do so by clicking the link below.
Happy New Year!
Pastor Melvin
Posted in 21 Days of Prayer & Fasting 2025
Welcome - 21 Days of Prayer & FastingDay 1 - 21 Days of Prayer & FastingDay 2 - 21 Days of Prayer & FastingDay 3 - 21 Days of Prayer & FastingDay 4 - 21 Days of Prayer & FastingDay 5 - 21 Days of Prayer & FastingDay 6 - 21 Days of Prayer & FastingDay 7 - 21 Days of Prayer & FastingDay 8 - 21 Days of Prayer & FastingDay 9 - 21 Days of Prayer & FastingDay 10 - 21 Days of Prayer & FastingDay 11 - 21 Days of Prayer & Fasting Day 12 - 21 Days of Prayer & FastingDay 13 - 21 Days of Prayer & FastingDay 14 - 21 Days of Prayer & FastingDay 15 - 21 Days of Prayer & FastingDay 16 - 21 Days of Prayer & FastingDay 17 - 21 Days of Prayer & FastingDay 18 - 21 Days of Prayer & FastingDay 19 - 21 Days of Prayer & FastingDay 20 - 21 Days of Prayer & FastingDay 21 - 21 Days of Prayer & FastingBonus Day - 21 Days of Prayer & Fasting
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